About the Author:

Lois Griffin Barnes called Bangor, Maine her childhood home, and lived in Nashville,
Tennessee with her geologist husband, Robert. They maintained a summer cottage on Green
Lake in Maine where they enjoyed fishing. She had a great love of the outdoors; hiking,
canoeing, and kayaking. She swam with Music City Masters and coached high school swim
teams. She gave private historical tours of Nashville for several years.
Lois and Robert were parents of two children; a third is deceased, and five grandchildren. They rarely missed a sports game in which any of their grandchildren were involved - boys or girls! A strong memory of the “War Years” and answering questions from younger generations prompted her to write this reminiscence.
Tennessee with her geologist husband, Robert. They maintained a summer cottage on Green
Lake in Maine where they enjoyed fishing. She had a great love of the outdoors; hiking,
canoeing, and kayaking. She swam with Music City Masters and coached high school swim
teams. She gave private historical tours of Nashville for several years.
Lois and Robert were parents of two children; a third is deceased, and five grandchildren. They rarely missed a sports game in which any of their grandchildren were involved - boys or girls! A strong memory of the “War Years” and answering questions from younger generations prompted her to write this reminiscence.
About the Book:

My Bangor Years; A Reminiscence
2005 Edition: Perfect bound; 88 pages ; 6.14 x 9.24 inches:
ISBN: 0-9764940-0-0 $9.95
Bangor, Maine is a unique and beautiful American city that, in order to be visited, has to be a destination, because you won't be driving through it on the way to many other places. The
author, Lois Barnes, details the charm of this New England setting as she details many of the places, things, and people that surrounded her as she grew up during the 1930's and
World War II. From prominent Maine landmarks to descriptions of a popular Girl Scout summer camp set by a gorgeous lake nestled in the mountains, Lois's narrative will lead you through how it felt to grow up in a New England neighborhood.
2005 Edition: Perfect bound; 88 pages ; 6.14 x 9.24 inches:
ISBN: 0-9764940-0-0 $9.95
Bangor, Maine is a unique and beautiful American city that, in order to be visited, has to be a destination, because you won't be driving through it on the way to many other places. The
author, Lois Barnes, details the charm of this New England setting as she details many of the places, things, and people that surrounded her as she grew up during the 1930's and
World War II. From prominent Maine landmarks to descriptions of a popular Girl Scout summer camp set by a gorgeous lake nestled in the mountains, Lois's narrative will lead you through how it felt to grow up in a New England neighborhood.