About the Author:
Dr. Anna M. Jackson
About the Book:
The Jackson Competency Scales were developed as a componentof a Health And Human Services (Office of Minority Health) Grant entitled "The African American Male Coalition Enhancement Project." The grant project was initiated
in September, 1991. The grant goals were three fold: Improvement of academic skills through computer reinforcement; Improvement of health education knowledge (dental health and nutrition); and Improvement of competency perception. Participants were African American males in the age range of 10 to 17. Computer software was utilized to provide immediate reinforcement for correct responses. Problem solving assistance was provided for incorrect responses e.g. possible alternatives to the previously given answer. Increases in Mathematics, English and Reading scores were analyzed following the establishment of baselines in each of these areas. Dental health and nutrition knowledge were measured following the collection of baseline information. Answers to questions in the respective areas were reinforced when correct responses were given. The health education program was linked to coalition member tutorial programs. A report scale and training procedure were established for the competency perception segment. This component was the model for the development of the competency scales. Twenty-five tests each for two age-groups are included with these instructions for administering tests.