About the Author:

Patrick McFadden holds a BS degree in Security Management and an MBA with a major in Organizational Structure from Almeda University. His service and experience in the field of emergency services began during the 1979 Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power facility incident and continued to grow while serving as Public Information Officer for various law enforcement and government agencies. He is the former Executive Director for the Department of Emergency Services in Pennsylvania. Currently employed as a Consultant for several government agencies in Washington D.C., he resides in York, Pennsylvania with his family.
About the Book:

Code Red: Diary of a Nation Scorned
2006 Edition; Perfect bound; 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 1-933912-01-4 $14.95
Are you concerned about the safety of our nation? Do you lack confidence in our government's ability to protect? Are you prepared for another attack or natural disaster? In this power-packed compilation of events, find out facts and information the 9/11 Commission Report did not address. Begin to recognize the signs of potential attack. Learn emergency tactics and practical ways to protect yourself and family members. Patrick McFadden, shares insight obtained from his experience as a first responder and a security consultant. He offers a condensed and easy-to-understand chronicle of issues such as, foreign and domestic terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda network, disaster training, and more. Readers will be equipped with an account of the current militant terrorist organizations, gangs, and Lone Wolf cells that are operational within the U.S. today. Every American should know the truth and how to deal with it. CODE RED: Our nation has been scorned. Can you handle that?
2006 Edition; Perfect bound; 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 1-933912-01-4 $14.95
Are you concerned about the safety of our nation? Do you lack confidence in our government's ability to protect? Are you prepared for another attack or natural disaster? In this power-packed compilation of events, find out facts and information the 9/11 Commission Report did not address. Begin to recognize the signs of potential attack. Learn emergency tactics and practical ways to protect yourself and family members. Patrick McFadden, shares insight obtained from his experience as a first responder and a security consultant. He offers a condensed and easy-to-understand chronicle of issues such as, foreign and domestic terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda network, disaster training, and more. Readers will be equipped with an account of the current militant terrorist organizations, gangs, and Lone Wolf cells that are operational within the U.S. today. Every American should know the truth and how to deal with it. CODE RED: Our nation has been scorned. Can you handle that?