About the Author:

Judith Lingle Ryan is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst, now retired, who became a writer after the death of her son. She currently writes poetry and works as a docent at the Neuberger Museum. She and her husband live in Nyack, New York.
About the Book:

About Journey From Mount Rainier
A Mother's Chronicle of Grief and Hope
2006 Edition: Perfect Bound ; (Paperback); 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 Inches
ISBN: 0-9776207-5-1 $14.95
2006 Edition: Cloth (Hardback); 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 Inches
ISBN: 0-9776207-6-X $21.95
"Two park rangers died [August 12] trying to rescue an injured climber high on Mount Rainier in howling winds and freezing temperatures. Park Service officials believe the two rangers were within 200 feet of reaching an injured man...when they fell to their deaths. [The injured climber] was later rescued." Seattle Post-Intelligencer August 14, 1995
"No one prepared me for how I would live after my child died. No one told me whether it would be okay to turn away sometimes from grieving, to grab life again, or to look for something within myself that I might not have found if he had lived."
From Journey from Mount Rainier
"The literature of adventure is replete with tales of fatal outcomes, but this honest and brave book about a mother and the life and death of her mountain-climbing son expands and enriches our necessary knowledge of the grief and loss that disaster exacts from surviving family members and friends. To say that a book about the rawest grief and deepest sorrow is a great pleasure to read - that it's a book of delights and uncanny discoveries and not just of tears - is perhaps not as contradictory as it seems. For in dying heroically and far too young, Sean Ryan inspired his mother to embark on her own life-altering adventure of dangerous remembrance, whose hard-won summit memorial is this moving and beautifully crafted memoir."
Hal Espen, editor, Outside, 1999-2006
"Ryan has written an unusually honest, thoughtful, and revealing book about the extraordinary pain of losing a child and about the complexity of navigating life afterward. For parents whose children have died, she makes a wise and comforting companion."
- Ann K. Finkbeiner, author of After the Death of a Child
A Mother's Chronicle of Grief and Hope
2006 Edition: Perfect Bound ; (Paperback); 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 Inches
ISBN: 0-9776207-5-1 $14.95
2006 Edition: Cloth (Hardback); 160 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 Inches
ISBN: 0-9776207-6-X $21.95
"Two park rangers died [August 12] trying to rescue an injured climber high on Mount Rainier in howling winds and freezing temperatures. Park Service officials believe the two rangers were within 200 feet of reaching an injured man...when they fell to their deaths. [The injured climber] was later rescued." Seattle Post-Intelligencer August 14, 1995
"No one prepared me for how I would live after my child died. No one told me whether it would be okay to turn away sometimes from grieving, to grab life again, or to look for something within myself that I might not have found if he had lived."
From Journey from Mount Rainier
"The literature of adventure is replete with tales of fatal outcomes, but this honest and brave book about a mother and the life and death of her mountain-climbing son expands and enriches our necessary knowledge of the grief and loss that disaster exacts from surviving family members and friends. To say that a book about the rawest grief and deepest sorrow is a great pleasure to read - that it's a book of delights and uncanny discoveries and not just of tears - is perhaps not as contradictory as it seems. For in dying heroically and far too young, Sean Ryan inspired his mother to embark on her own life-altering adventure of dangerous remembrance, whose hard-won summit memorial is this moving and beautifully crafted memoir."
Hal Espen, editor, Outside, 1999-2006
"Ryan has written an unusually honest, thoughtful, and revealing book about the extraordinary pain of losing a child and about the complexity of navigating life afterward. For parents whose children have died, she makes a wise and comforting companion."
- Ann K. Finkbeiner, author of After the Death of a Child