Common Sense Grammar and Style was written with the business professional in mind. It will help you, the professional, write better letters and memorandums. It will help you avoid common errors, organize your messages, express yourself clearly, and find more information when you need it. It will teach you the basic survival skills. The emphasis in Common Sense Grammar and Style is always on simplicity. When several approaches to a common problem are possible, this book presents the least complicated and the most consistent. If you follow it’s advice, you will be on safe ground, but you must realize that other good writers may choose other correct solutions. The textbook provides a concise overview of rules for correct grammatical usage and the elements of writing style. It covers a broad range of topics that include: subject-verb agreement, the semicolon, capitalization, comparatives and superlatives, emphasizing important information, organizing letters and proofreading skills. This is a great tool for business professionals who want to improve their writing skills without spending a semester at the local community college.
This workbook accompanies the textbook, Common Sense Grammar and Style - English for Professionals, written by the same author. It contains twenty-two extensive exercises, dealing with possessive forms, punctuation, hyphenation and
simple clarity in writing. It also has letter format examples and a handy reference page of proofreaders marks. Any writers working their way through this book are guaranteed to improve their writing skills!