About the Author:

Ursula P. Spence is a middle school teacher in a small Catholic school in rural Middle Tennessee. Her first love and specialty is language arts, especially adolescent and teen literature. "My commitment in teaching and
writing is to connect students to ‘story’ in a very spiritual, emotional, and intellectual way so as to give them a deep love for literature. I have seen it happen in many of my students, some of whom came to me as reluctant readers. Good literature nourishes the soul. Every one of us needs that." Miss Spence lives on a small farm with her family and a menagerie of animals that give her creative sustenance.
About the Book:

The Albermarle Quest
ISBN: 1-933912-76-6 $14.95
Perfect Bound, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 208 pages
The Darkness looms over all. Survival of the Conclave is in doubt. Baolsun was relieved
when the torturous deliberations ended. He needed to confront Keruse, his adversary, who with undue speed had headed out of the gallery. At the cave's entrance, on a narrow walkway, the Vice Elder grabbed Keruse' arm and spun him around. "Why, Keruse? Why have you chosen to destroy Eben? In front of the elders, you have deemed to set yourself against Maure and myself! The act of cruel defiance will destroy the Conclave!" Baolsun's emotions of fear and desperation brought a smile to Keruse. "Baolsun, sometimes you amaze me. I don't want to destroy the Conclave, but to rid it of weak leaders, beginning with you. Maure, dolt that he is, is merely your pawn." Baolsun loosed his grip on Keruse' arm as if it were a vile appendage. Enraged, the Vice Elder cried, "That is an evil lie! I now see where your allegiance falls, Keruse!" Keruse turned quickly, walking away from Baolsun's anger. His plan was working marvelously.
ISBN: 1-933912-76-6 $14.95
Perfect Bound, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 208 pages
The Darkness looms over all. Survival of the Conclave is in doubt. Baolsun was relieved
when the torturous deliberations ended. He needed to confront Keruse, his adversary, who with undue speed had headed out of the gallery. At the cave's entrance, on a narrow walkway, the Vice Elder grabbed Keruse' arm and spun him around. "Why, Keruse? Why have you chosen to destroy Eben? In front of the elders, you have deemed to set yourself against Maure and myself! The act of cruel defiance will destroy the Conclave!" Baolsun's emotions of fear and desperation brought a smile to Keruse. "Baolsun, sometimes you amaze me. I don't want to destroy the Conclave, but to rid it of weak leaders, beginning with you. Maure, dolt that he is, is merely your pawn." Baolsun loosed his grip on Keruse' arm as if it were a vile appendage. Enraged, the Vice Elder cried, "That is an evil lie! I now see where your allegiance falls, Keruse!" Keruse turned quickly, walking away from Baolsun's anger. His plan was working marvelously.