About Who Am I, Where Am I Going, and How Did I Get Here:
Who Am I, Where Am I Going, and How Did I Get Here
From Tragedy To Triumph
ISBN 978-1-935271-58-1
5x8, 108 pages, $14.95
Evangelist Roxanna Hanna can testify that she has been through many things and
knows for certain that life is worth living – Each of you can be happy and overcome, and through Christ can live wonderful and fulfilling lives. Her God can and will bring you out of the wilderness, as certainly as He has done so for her.
From Tragedy To Triumph
ISBN 978-1-935271-58-1
5x8, 108 pages, $14.95
Evangelist Roxanna Hanna can testify that she has been through many things and
knows for certain that life is worth living – Each of you can be happy and overcome, and through Christ can live wonderful and fulfilling lives. Her God can and will bring you out of the wilderness, as certainly as He has done so for her.