About the Author:

George Kelley is the founder and Project Director of The Ten Commandments Project. The project was established in the spring of 1997 offering a $10 incentive reward to children who memorized the Ten Commandments. Many children have benefited from the program and the Ten Commandments Project is currently working on a grassroots expansion.
About the Book:

Commentary on the Ten Commandments by George Bush (1796-1859)
Compiled by George Kelley of the Ten Commandments Project
2005 Edition: Perfect bound; 124 pages; 6.14 x 9.21 inches
ISBN: 0-9773179-1-9 $14.95
Commentary on the Ten Commandments presents several excellent study chapters on the Ten Commandments as well as relevant information and quotes about Christian living. The Ten Commandments Project has been covered by national news media
for their project to encourage children to memorize The Ten Commandments. This book provides additional information about
the effectiveness of "God's rules for living" on the moral character development of America's youth.
For further information about The Ten Commandments Project, please visit their website at www.tencommandmentsproject.org
Compiled by George Kelley of the Ten Commandments Project
2005 Edition: Perfect bound; 124 pages; 6.14 x 9.21 inches
ISBN: 0-9773179-1-9 $14.95
Commentary on the Ten Commandments presents several excellent study chapters on the Ten Commandments as well as relevant information and quotes about Christian living. The Ten Commandments Project has been covered by national news media
for their project to encourage children to memorize The Ten Commandments. This book provides additional information about
the effectiveness of "God's rules for living" on the moral character development of America's youth.
For further information about The Ten Commandments Project, please visit their website at www.tencommandmentsproject.org